> 自媒体 > 故事 > 你知道吗,有多少神话故事出现在中国航天征程中?
今天上午,咱们的“嫦娥四号”探测器成功着陆在月球背面!传回了世界第一张近距离拍摄的月背影像图! 自古以来中国人就对飞天充满好奇,编织出了一个个神话故事。 神舟、嫦娥、鹊桥、玉兔、天宫、北斗、悟空……经过一代代航天人的努力,这些神话终于变成了现实。 而像这样富有特色的名称,也使原本高深的航天科技成果变得生动可爱了起来。 我们挑选了7个在中国航天征程中出现的神话故事,带你回顾中国航天的重大成就。 嫦娥 代表航天器: “嫦娥一号”到“嫦娥四号” Represented aircraft: From Chang'e 1 to Chang'e 4 后羿射下九个太阳后,向西王母求得一包不死药,但是后羿并没有马上喝下,因为他不想一人独自升天。 In a very distant past, ten suns had risen together into the skies. The archer Yi shot down nine of them and was given the elixir of immortality as a reward. He did not consume it as he did not want to gain immortality without his beloved wife Chang'e. 后羿的徒弟逢蒙趁后羿外出,逼迫嫦娥交出不死药,嫦娥危急之时吞下不死药,不多时便飘离地面,飞落月亮上成了仙。 However, while Yi went out hunting, his apprentice Fengmeng broke into his house and tried to force Chang'e to give him the elixir; she refused and drank it herself. 后羿回家寻妻不得,捶胸顿足, 仰望月亮千呼万唤地呼唤嫦娥名字,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果。从此,中秋节拜月的风俗在民间传开了。 Chang'e then flew upwards towards the heavens, choosing the moon as residence. Yi discovered what had transpired and felt sad, so he displayed the fruits and cakes that Chang'e had liked, and gave sacrifices to her,which becomes the origin of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. 神舟 代表航天器:“神舟一号”到“神舟十一号” Represented spacecraft: From Shenzhou 1 to Shenzhou 11 从吉尔伽美什到诺亚方舟,在很多文明的传说和记忆中都有大洪水和神舟的故事。在中国,最著名的要数大禹治水了。帝尧时,中原洪水泛滥造成水患灾祸,百姓愁苦不堪。大禹奉命成功治水,被后世传为佳话。 The story of the Great Flood in Chinese mythology Yu tried a different approach to the project of flood control; which in the end having achieved success, earned Yu renown throughout Chinese history and is commonly referred to as "Great Yu Controls the Waters." 天宫 代表航天器:天宫一号、天宫二号 Represented aircraft: Tiangong-1,Tiangong-2 根据神话传说,世界分为天地人三界,而在天界的神最受人敬仰。传说中玉皇大帝的天宫就是天界神仙们居住的地方。 According to Chinese popular religion, there are three domains in the cosmos —— Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld. The gods at the Court of the Jade Emperor were important deities who were worshipped throughout China. It was understood that all these gods actually resided in Heaven, at the Court of the Jade Emperor. 悟空 代表航天器:“悟空”号暗物质粒子探测卫星 Represented aircraft: The Dark Matter Particle Explorer known as Wukong 孙悟空是中国著名的神话人物之一,出自四大名著之《西游记》。祖籍东胜神州,由开天辟地以来的仙石孕育而生。在大闹天宫禁锢在五指山下500万年之后,被唐僧救出,后保护唐僧西天取经,一路降妖除魔,不畏艰难困苦,历经九九八十一难,最后取得真经修成正果,被封为斗战胜佛。 Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is a figure who features in a body of legends. He appears as a main character Chinese classical novel Journey to the West. In the novel, he is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha, he later accompanies the monk Tang Sanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from "the West". 孙悟空有很多技能,翻一个跟头十万八千里,还有一双能够探测出暗物质的火眼金睛。 Sun Wukong possesses immense strength; he is able to travel 108,000 li (5,400 kilometres) in one somersault. Sunis also able to recognize the evil with "golden-gaze fiery-eyes" which can help to recognize the dark matter. 北斗 代表航天器:北斗卫星导航系统 Represented aircraft: BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS 北斗七星,是大熊座的天枢、天璇、天玑、天权、玉衡、开阳、摇光七星。古代中国人民把这七星联系起来想象成为古代舀酒的斗形。北斗星在不同的季节和夜晚不同的时间,出现于天空不同的方位,所以古人就根据初昏时斗柄所指的方向来决定季节:斗柄指东,天下皆春;斗柄指南,天下皆夏;斗柄指西,天下皆秋;斗柄指北,天下皆冬。 In traditional Chinese astronomy the asterism is known as the "Northern Dipper" (北斗) or the "Seven Stars of the Northern Dipper". Each star has a distinct name, which likewise has varied over time and depending upon the asterism being constructed. The Chinese also learn to use the Big Dipper and Polaris to find the direction north and tell seasons. 鹊桥 代表航天器:“鹊桥”中继卫星 Represented aircraft: Queqiao relay satellite 鹊桥是传说鸟神受牛郎织女的真挚情感而感动派来的喜鹊搭成的桥。相传牛郎和织女被银河隔开,只允许每年的农历七月七日相见。为了让牛郎和织女相会,各地的喜鹊就会飞过来用身体紧贴着搭成一座桥,此桥就叫做鹊桥。牛郎和织女便在这鹊桥上相会。 The general tale is a love story between Zhin (the weaver girl) and Niulang (the cowherd). Their love was not allowed, thus they were banished to opposite sides of the Silver River. Once a year, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, a flock of magpies would form a bridge to reunite the lovers for one day. 玉兔 代表航天器:玉兔号月球车 Represented aircraft: Yutu rover 玉兔在一些神话传说中是居住在月球上的兔子。在中国神话中,月兔在月宫陪伴嫦娥并捣药,而在日本和韩国,月兔则是在上面制造麻糬。 The moon rabbit in folklore is a rabbit that lives on the Moon. In Chinese folklore, it is often portrayed as a companion of the Moon goddess Chang'e. The rabbit pounds medicine for the mortals. But in Japanese and Korean versions, it is pounding the ingredients for rice cake.
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