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2023 年顶级数据中心和技术预测

Top data center and tech predictions for 2023

Ron Vokoun, OAC Services

译 者 说



After recovering from the roller coaster ride that was the grades for my 2022 predictions, it’s time to unleash my fearless prognostications for 2023. Read on to hear my rants on nuclear power, ChatGPT, the use of data in construction, 5G, and prefabricated data centers.


3、Big tech layoffs will increase the need for contingent workers/staff augmentation


Over the last few months, we’ve heard of one round of layoffs after another from the big tech companies. It’s put many thousands of people in tough situations, so I won’t take my typical sarcastic tone on this prediction. On a positive note, there is a lot of talent on the market, but they are getting snatched up quickly in many cases.

在网上有许多关于临时工的定义,我最喜欢Bamboo HR提供的定义——他们是承包商、自由职业者、顾问或临时工。

Of the many definitions online for a contingent worker, I like the one from BambooHR the best - essential they are contractors, freelances, consultants or temporary staff


The benefits of this are many for both the hiring company and the employee. Among them is that the hiring company doesn’t have to pay the contingent workers benefits themselves and their services can be turned on and off to suit your specific needs. For the team member, it gives them great flexibility. They can choose which opportunities are most compelling to them and see the country if they choose to be a traveler.


One thing to watch out for is how the contingent worker is cared for by their employer [and some tech firms, such as Google, have a bad record here - Editor]. Staffing agencies tend to be very transactional and do little to nothing to mentor and train their workers. Their benefits may also be substandard if they exist at all. In other cases, there are top notch benefits, the team member is mentored, and they are trained to keep up with current technology. The latter tends to be a bit more expensive, but the team members tend to be happier and more productive. Who wants to be treated like a commodity? Make an informed decision and reap the benefits.


4、Use of data in construction expands and yields new insights


The construction industry has long been perceived as a bunch of abacus-using Luddites. Although this is far from the truth, we are the only non-farm industry that has not improved its labor productivity in almost 60 years. The industry has been very good at gathering data, but we haven’t always done much with it other than the standard metrics and cost reports because there is so much data and it is coming at us so fast that there was no way to process it.


What if a wholesale colo provider's construction manager could say how fast a contractor needs to build to maximize revenue? Or analyze the schedule on day 1 to say it ican be met?


There have always been stellar examples of great projects that did incredible work such as the Empire State building, Pentagon, etc., but the nature of the industry makes every project a silo because they do not move from where they are built, and the teams are broken up after the project. Today digitization allows us to capture and process more data faster and more effectively than we ever have before while storing the expertise of the designers and builders in digital code to be used to improve the process of designing and building. Our construction sites need to feel like Thursday Night Football games on Amazon Prime or F1 races with real time data coming in from all over the world to build and improve outcomes.


Perhaps this is another one of my aspirational predictions, but I think 2023 is the year when this changes. There are some enlightened souls that are already slicing and dicing data differently than I have ever seen, including the Chief Innovation Officer of OAC. How valuable would it be to a wholesale colocation provider for their construction manager to be able to tell them how fast their contractor needs to build their data center to maximize their revenue? How about analyzing their schedule on day 1 and telling them the likelihood that they will meet that schedule? What about using the data to break down work in a much more granular way and improve productivity in a way we haven’t seen in decades?


It's all possible now, and I predict that 2023 will be the year that it comes to fruition and yields new insights.


5 、5G fails to live up to the hype…again

今年5G的预测我做出了180度的反转,与去年完全相反。去年我愚蠢地预测5G会达到预期效果,但这是我在2022年中得分为F的预测之一。正如TechDirt所说,5G主要只是电信和硬件供应商急于销售更多设备并为高昂的美国移动数据价格辩护的炒作。我对这个问题上犯了傻,早在2019年我就开始预测5G的发展。我并不比Charlie Brown聪明,他总是认为这次他能够踢到足球,结果却被Lucy再次拿走。我认为,5G在2023年及以后都不会实现它的炒作效应。尽管如此,如果询问ChatGPT,仍然对其潜力持乐观态度。

I am doing a 180° reversal from last year when I idiotically predicted that 5G would start to live up to the hype. This was one of my predictions that received a grade of an F in 2022. As TechDirt put it, 5G was largely just hype by telecoms and hardware vendors eager to sell more gear and to justify high US mobile data prices. I am a glutton for punishment on this one as I started making predictions about 5G back in 2019. I am no smarter than Charlie Brown, who always thought this would be the time he would get to kick the football, only to have Lucy pull it away yet again. 5G will not live up to the hype in 2023 and I don’t think it ever will. That said, when asked, ChatGPT still seems optimistic about its potential.


6、Microsoft’s investment in ChatGPT creator OpenAI will make Bing relevant


Apparently ChatGPT is to this year’s predictions as the metaverse was to my predictions last year. I am a sucker for a good buzzword. In mid-January, Microsoft announced that it would add ChatGPT to Azure. Not long after, Microsoft confirmed that it was making a "multiyear, multibillion-dollar investment" in OpenAI. Although they have only announced adding ChatGPT to Azure, one would think it’s only a matter of time before they add it to their little-used Bing search engine. My prediction is that they will add ChatGPT to Bing and it will become a relevant competitor to Google’s search. How ironic that Google developed Transformer technology, the very techniqie that ChatGPT is built upon.


7 、Regulation strikes the data center industry

许多数据中心行业人士长期以来一直说过:自我监管,否则别人会替你做。监管可以适用于许多领域,从数据中心的建设地点到使用的电源来源。在北弗吉尼亚州,有很多公开报道的事情,其中一位参议员试图阻止PW Digital Gateway项目,然后该州制定了一个新的“超级数据中心激励计划”,以吸引亚马逊公司的350亿美元投资。

Many in the data center industry have said it for a long time, regulate yourself or someone else will do it for you. Regulation can apply to many areas ranging from where you build your data center to the source of the power used in it. There have been the much publicized goings on in northern Virginia where one senator tried to stymie the PW Digital Gateway project, then the state developed a new ‘Mega Data Center Incentive Program’ to attract a $35B investment from AWS.


The news that caught my attention from a regulatory standpoint came out of Oregon where a proposed bill would establish clean energy standards for data centers and crypto miners. Many of the large data center and cloud operators are already committed to renewable energy, but if this bill passes, it will require it. That will leave a mark for some of the crypto miners that will use the cheapest power they can find, regardless of how it is produced. I predict that this type of environmentally based regulation picks up momentum in 2023.


8、The edge will usher in the golden age of prefabricated data centers

我一直在推崇预制化技术,早在20世纪90年代中期,我当时领导的团队为Qwest Communications全美网络安装了650个预制化电信小屋。因此,对于预制化数据中心的预测不应该让任何人感到惊讶。随着边缘计算市场的成熟,交付所需的设施数量的唯一途径是通过预制化技术。

I have been beating the prefab drum going all the way back to the mid 1990’s when I led teams that installed over 650 prefabricated telecom huts across the US for the Qwest Communications nationwide network, so making a prediction on prefab data centers shouldn’t surprise anyone. With the maturation of the edge market, the only path to delivering the number of facilities that will be necessary is through prefabrication.

预制化技术的优势不仅在于快速交付,而且能够克服建筑劳动力短缺问题。预制化数据中心也在努力推动可持续发展倡议,并取得了良好的进展。大约一年前,Compass Datacenters宣布推出了Compass Quantum和其白空间即服务(WaaS),具备100 kW模块。最近,初创企业ECL宣布推出了基于氢能源的离网3D打印数据中心。说边缘计算将引领预制化数据中心的黄金时代可能有些夸张,因此我将预测2023年边缘计算将带来预制化数据中心的更大创新和普及。

Speed to market and overcoming the labor shortage in construction is just the start of what prefabrication has to offer. Prefabricated data centers are also pushing hard to incorporate sustainability initiatives and making good progress. A little under a year ago Compass Datacenters announced the launch of Compass Quantum and their white-space-as-a-service with 100 kW modules. More recently, startup ECL came flying off the top rope with their newly announced hydrogen-powered off-grid 3D-printed data centers. Saying that the edge will usher in the golden age of prefabricated data centers is pretty fluffy as a prediction, so I will say that 2023 will be the year that the edge will lead to greater innovation in, and the proliferation of, prefabricated data centers.

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