> 自媒体 > AI人工智能 > 来自硅谷第3期 企业级ChatGPT开发入门实战直播21课-41
来自硅谷第3期 企业级ChatGPT开发入门实战直播21课-41

用户问“can you live without a bank account”(“没有银行账户你能生活吗?”),示例代码如下:

query_docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents("can you live without a bank account")# 打印出检索到的最相关文档的标题和内容print("n".join(['Title: ' x.metadata['title'].strip() 'nn' x.page_content 'nn' for x in query_docs]))


Title: sysk: Can You Live Without a Bank Account?

Title: sysk_with_transcripts_Can you live without a bank account.json; And if you had a life, you didn't necessarily rectify your bank checkbook every day. Oh, wait, what is balancing a checkbook mean? Seriously? Yeah. Thank God for my wife. So another reason you might avoid a bank is philosophically. There may be a longstanding distrust of banks in your family that you don't want to put your money in, or you may just want to be like, you know what? I don't want to take part in this modern society. I want to kind of drop out a bit. And a really good first move is to shut your bank account down. That's a big statement. Oh, yeah, it is. But a lot of people that are underbanked and don't have accounts aren't there on purpose. It's not some philosophical statement. A lot of times it's simply because they are poor and they don't have a lot of alternatives. Yeah. And the other thing about not having a bank account, not only do you not have a bank account, you also are, like, basically just avoiding banks altogether. There's plenty of other things that banks offer, like loans and mortgage, lollipops, stuff like that. Yeah. Maybe some free nasty coffee. So when you don't have a banking account, that's like the most basic unit of the banking world. Right. If you don't have that, you obviously aren't going to be exposed to all these other things that can help. Things like build your credit history through like a revolving loan or a mortgage or a car loan or something like that that you can build up your credit for and ultimately save money. So when you don't have a bank account, for whatever reason, you are effectively out of the banking system. The problem is you can live parallel to the banking system outside of it, but it can be really dangerous, especially if you're just dealing with cash, because that cash has to stay somewhere, whether it's on you or in your mattress or in a coffee can in your backyard. You're exposed for having that readily available to anybody who finds it or comes into your house with a gun to get it. Yes.

Title: sysk: Can You Live Without a Bank Account?

Title: sysk_with_transcripts_Can you live without a bank account.json; And it doesn't have to be an everyday thing. You can host when you want. Like, let's say you're taking a week's vacation. Why not host your home? Because that money could go toward paying for your current vacation or towards your retirement fund or even towards your kids college fund. Yeah. For anything. And listen, if you're worried about your stuff, don't be. Air cover for hosts. Let hosts welcome guests into their home without having to worry. You get $1 million in damage protection anytime you're hosting. Plus pet damage protection and income loss protection, too. And are you ready for this? Air cover for host is completely free every time you host on airbnb. Free with a capital F, with air cover for Host. It makes hosting a no brainer, and the benefits really start adding up. So learn more and host with peace of mind at Airbnb comaircoverforhosts. Capital One offers commercial solutions you can bank on. Now more than ever, your business faces specific challenges and unique opportunities. That's why Capital One offers a comprehensive suite of financial services custom tailored to your short and long term goals, backed by the expertise, strategy and resources of a top ten commercial bank, a dedicated team works with you to support your success and help you achieve your goals. Explore the possibilities at CapitalOne. comCOMMERCIAL all right, so if you live in modern society today, it is pretty tough to get by without a bank. Most cases these days you have well, I don't know about most cases, but in many cases you have automatic deposits of your work checks. Sure. A lot of people pay their bills wirelessly, online, directly from their bank. You might have a student loan, you might have a car loan, you might have your house mortgage, you might pay your credit card bills. All this stuff is running through a bank, most likely. And you would think it's probably impossible to not have a bank account these days. And I would say pretty much all Americans have them. Not true. Well, pretty much all Americans do. Like 93% do. Yeah, but that's not all. No, it's true.

Title: sysk: Can You Live Without a Bank Account?

Title: sysk_with_transcripts_Can you live without a bank account.json; Yeah. 7% of Americans do not have bank accounts. About 9 million people last year in 2015 did not have bank accounts. 9 million people is a lot of people. No, it really is. And apparently that's household sorry, not people. Yeah, right. You're that is a big distinction, too. And the FDIC said, man, that's the lowest since we've been tracking this by far. And someone said, well, how long have you been tracking this? They said, well, the last six years. Really? Yeah, which I'm like. Really? That's when they started tracking it, but apparently so 2009. So if you want another number, the 9 million American households don't have bank accounts at all, then there are 25 million households in addition to that. So that makes almost like 34 million households, which that's a substantial number at this point. Sure. The 25 million are what's called underbanked, meaning they may have a bank account, but they don't use the bank account. Yeah. They don't use it because they are probably afraid of overdraft fees. Or they have maybe a bank account that got grandfathered in so that they don't have to pay minimum amount fees. And who knows? There's all sorts of reasons for people to not use a bank account that they have, but probably cheap among them is overdressed, which you'll talk more about. Yeah. And the majority of these underbank people in the United States are poor, usually. A lot of times they're minorities, a lot of times they're less educated. And these communities, there's a few reasons why they may not want to use a bank one. Maybe they don't trust banks. And if you look in the history of the United States or certainly even we're just talking about the Wells Fargo scandal, when you see stuff like that on the news, it should be upsetting to everyone. But obviously if you're poor and you don't have a lot of money, that may scare you into not wanting to use a bank at all. Right? Yeah.

Title: sysk: Can You Live Without a Bank Account?

Title: sysk_with_transcripts_Can you live without a bank account.json; Maybe at the time, I might be making it up. I seem to remember them saying that, and I was like, I don't want that. Just let the check bounce and I'll take it up with them. Yes. The way it was marketed, though, was like, hey, we value you. We want to make sure that you can pay all your bills. So if something happens and you're overdrafted we'll cover it. We're just going to charge you a fee. And it sounds good, but again, when you go from high to low and all of a sudden your overdraft fees go from one to four or five or however many, that's a huge problem. Well, and the people that are overdrafting and the people that are at least able to afford those fees. Exactly. So it's a disproportionate burden on the poor, which makes it, as a scam, one of the more evil scams around. Yes. It's just wrong, then the idea that if you open an account, you should not opt in for overdraft protection. And it's easy to say when you're talking about checks for, like you're writing a check for a Mountain Dew and some cheetos. Yeah, who cares if you're short for that? You can go without that. But when you're talking about your rent check or like an actual grocery bill or something like that, it sucks that you can't get that stuff. But it's better to have to put a couple of things back than to pay $35 for one $2 item that you went over by, right? Yeah, that's a good point. And this was in my case, too. This is also back in the day when you I mean, a lot of times it was a mystery how much you had in your account. Right. Like, you couldn't just get on your phone before you write the check and be like, oh, well, no, I don't have enough money to cover this. Yeah, because even if you balanced your checkbook, sometimes you forgot to carry the one, it wasn't always 100% accurate.

以上日志为打印出检索到的最相关文档的标题和内容,这些文本记录来自“你应该知道的事情”(Stuff You Should Know)播客,探讨了有关没有银行账户生活的问题。



现任职于硅谷一家对话机器人CTO,专精于Conversational AI



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Throughout this course, we firmly believe that the true power and distinctiveness of language model applications lie in their ability to connect with external data sources and actively interact with their environments. By incorporating data-awareness, we can enhance the depth and breadth of information available to the language models, enabling them to deliver more accurate and insightful responses. Additionally, by embracing an agentic approach, we empower language models to engage and respond dynamically to their surroundings, creating richer user experiences. Further, the course will help learners to explore the top best papers and their implementations in NLP&ChatGPT&LLMs.






《企业级Transformer&ChatGPT解密:原理、源码及案例》本书以Transformer和ChatGPT技术为主线,系统剖析了Transformer架构的理论基础、模型设计与实现,Transformer语言模型GPT与BERT,ChatGPT技术及其开源实现,以及相关应用案例。内容涉及贝叶斯数学、注意力机制、语言模型、最大似然与贝叶斯推理等理论,和Transformer架构设计、GPT、BERT、ChatGPT等模型的实现细节,以及OpenAI API、ChatGPT提示工程、类ChatGPT大模型等应用。第一卷介绍了Transformer的Bayesian Transformer思想、架构设计与源码实现,Transformer语言模型的原理与机制,GPT自回归语言模型和BERT自编码语言模型的设计与实现。第二卷深入解析ChatGPT技术,包括ChatGPT发展历史、基本原理与项目实践,OpenAI API基础与高级应用,ChatGPT提示工程与多功能应用,类ChatGPT开源大模型技术与项目实践。

ChatGPT 技术:从基础应用到进阶实践涵盖了ChatGPT技术和OpenAI API的基础和应用,分为8个章节,从ChatGPT技术概述到类ChatGPT开源大模型技术的进阶项目实践。

1. ChatGPT技术概述:主要介绍了GPT-1、GPT-2、GPT-3、GPT-3.5和GPT-4的发展历程和技术特点,以及ChatGPT技术的基本原理和项目案例实战。

2. OpenAI API基础应用实践:主要介绍了OpenAI API模型及接口概述,以及如何使用OpenAI API进行向量检索和文本生成。

3. OpenAI API进阶应用实践:主要介绍了如何使用OpenAI API基于嵌入式向量检索实现问答系统,如何使用OpenAI API对特定领域模型进行微调。

4. ChatGPT提示工程基础知识:主要介绍了如何构建优质提示的两个关键原则,以及如何迭代快速开发构建优质提示。

5. ChatGPT提示工程实现多功能应用:主要介绍了如何使用ChatGPT提示工程实现概括总结、推断任务、文本转换和扩展功能。

6. ChatGPT提示工程构建聊天机器人:主要介绍了聊天机器人的应用场景,以及如何使用ChatGPT提示工程构建聊天机器人和订餐机器人。

7. 类ChatGPT开源大模型技术概述:主要介绍了类ChatGPT开源大模型的发展历程和技术特点,以及ChatGLM项目案例实践和LMFlow项目案例实践。

8. 类ChatGPT开源大模型进阶项目实践:主要介绍了类ChatGPT开源大模型的进阶项目实践,包括基于LoRA SFT RM RAFT技术进行模型微调、基于P-Tuning等技术对特定领域数据进行模型微调、基于LLama Index和Langchain技术的全面实践,以及使用向量检索技术对特定领域数据进行模型微调。

本书适用于NLP工程师、AI研究人员以及对Transformer和ChatGPT技术感兴趣的读者。通过学习,读者能够系统掌握Transformer理论基础,模型设计与训练推理全过程,理解ChatGPT技术内幕,并能运用OpenAI API、ChatGPT提示工程等技术进行项目实践。


《企业级Transformer&Rasa解密:原理、源码及案例》:是一本深入介绍Rasa对话机器人框架的实战开发指南。本书分为两卷,第一卷主要介绍基于Transformer的Rasa Internals解密,详细介绍了DIETClassifier和TED在Rasa架构中的实现和源码剖析。第二卷主要介绍Rasa 3.X硬核对话机器人应用开发,介绍了基于Rasa Interactive Learning和ElasticSearch的实战案例,以及通过Rasa Interactive Learning发现和解决对话机器人的Bugs案例实战。

第一卷中介绍了Rasa智能对话机器人中的Retrieval Model和Stateful Computations,解析了Rasa中去掉对话系统的Intent的内幕,深入研究了End2End Learning,讲解了全新一代可伸缩的DAG图架构的内幕,介绍了如何定制Graph NLU及Policies组件,讨论了自定义GraphComponent的内幕,从Python角度分析了GraphComponent接口,详细解释了自定义模型的create和load内幕,并讲述了自定义模型的languages及Packages支持。深入剖析了自定义组件Persistence源码,包括自定义对话机器人组件代码示例分析、Resource源码逐行解析、以及ModelStorage、ModelMetadata等逐行解析等。介绍了自定义组件Registering源码的内幕,包括采用Decorator进行Graph Component注册内幕源码分析、不同NLU和Policies组件Registering源码解析、以及手工实现类似于Rasa注册机制的Python Decorator全流程实现。讨论了自定义组件及常见组件源码的解析,包括自定义Dense Message Featurizer和Sparse Message Featurizer源码解析、Rasa的Tokenizer及WhitespaceTokenizer源码解析、以及CountVectorsFeaturizer及SpacyFeaturizer源码解析。深入剖析了框架核心graph.py源码,包括GraphNode源码逐行解析及Testing分析、GraphModelConfiguration、ExecutionContext、GraphNodeHook源码解析以及GraphComponent源码回顾及其应用源码。

第二卷主要介绍了基于Rasa Interactive Learning和ElasticSearch的实战案例,以及通过Rasa Interactive Learning发现和解决对话机器人的Bugs案例实战。介绍了使用Rasa Interactive Learning来调试nlu和prediction的案例实战,使用Rasa Interactive Learning来发现和解决对话机器人的Bugs案例实战介绍了使用Rasa Interactive Learning透视Rasa Form的NLU和Policies的内部工作机制案例实战,使用ElasticSearch来实现对话机器人的知识库功能,并介绍了相关的源码剖析和最佳实践,介绍了Rasa微服务和ElasticSearch整合中的代码架构分析,使用Rasa Interactive Learning对ConcertBot进行源码、流程及对话过程的内幕解密,介绍了使用Rasa来实现Helpdesk Assistant功能,并介绍了如何使用Debug模式进行Bug调试,使用Rasa Interactive Learning纠正Helpdesk Assistant中的NLU和Prediction错误,逐行解密Domain和Action微服务的源码。



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