> 自媒体 > 影视 > 最适合学外语的7部动画片,你看过几个?
英语变成和Word一样普遍的必备技能时,学一门二外就被许多人提上了日程。 法语、日语、西班牙语、乃至德语、意大利语都成了心水的选项。 法语多浪漫啊,学好日语还可以去漫画圣地打卡。西语的机关枪语速、德语与英语的“亲戚关系”、意大利语难发的大舌音,每一个都让人好奇。 但考虑到英语学了十来年也谈不上精通,再加一门二外,岂不是捡芝麻丢西瓜? 别担心。都说小孩子是学语言最快最轻松的。他们常看的儿童节目也是重要的语言输入来源之一。 像小朋友一样学习一门语言 Kids’ cartoons—even the silliest or action-oriented ones—are meant to be educational to some degree. Because they’re aimed at children, they introduce and reinforce important cultural aspects that adult dramas take for granted. 儿童卡通片,哪怕是有很多动作场面的蠢蠢的那种,也是有着教育意义的。正因为卡通片瞄准的受众是儿童,动画片会介绍和强调重要的文化背景,这类知识在成人电视剧里通常是一带而过。 动画片很容易跟上 The basic plot lines of kid’s cartoons are fairly simple and take place in familiar, everyday settings, such as schools and homes. That means you’ll become familiar with all the everyday phrases. The characters speak more slowly, and the dialogue is typically standard, casual language, without the idiomatic phrases or regional dialects that can make it hard to understand. 儿童卡通的剧情线一般都很简单,故事场景也都是熟悉的日常生活场景,比方说学校和家里。也就是说你可以通过看动画片来熟悉日常短语的表达。动画角色的语速比较慢,对话也都是典型的标准非正式语言,不会牵涉到艰涩的习语和方言。 动画片本身就很有趣 Think Peppa Pig, the pink piggy who has gained worldwide popularity. There are even videos showing an American child speaking in a British accent to her mom after binge-watching the popular cartoon. 想想《小猪佩奇》,作为儿童卡通居然火遍全球。网上甚至还有视频显示一个美国小孩儿跟她妈妈说话带着英国口音,就是因为看多了这部动画。 刚开始学一门语言时,你发不准某个音的样子不是跟小朋友很像吗?来看看他们都看哪些节目吧↓↓↓ 01 英语 The Simpsons《辛普森一家》 The Simpsons in the '90s was smart, culturally savvy, and unbelievably entertaining TV about an average American family. At its height, no show — animated or otherwise — could reach The Simpsons' greatness. From the cleverness of "Marge vs. the Monorail" to everything Lisa Simpson ever said, '90s era The Simpsons was fearless and game-changing television. 《辛普森一家》是上世纪90年代一部很优秀且文化含义丰富的娱乐性电视卡通。它讲述的是一个普通美国家庭的故事。在该动画的鼎盛时期,没有哪一部动画片能企及《辛普森一家》的伟大成就。从《玛姬与单轨火车》的巧妙设计,到卡通角色丽萨·辛普森所说的所有台词,90年代的《辛普森一家》所向披靡,改变了电视行业的面貌。 02 英语 King of the Hill《乡巴佬希尔一家的幸福生活》 King of the Hill depicts an average middle-class family and their lives in a typical American town. It documents the Hills' day-to-day-lives in the small Texas town of Arlen, exploring modern themes such as parent-child relationships, friendship, loyalty, and justice. As an animated sitcom, however, King of the Hill's scope is generally larger than that of a regular sitcom. 《乡巴佬希尔一家的幸福生活》描绘了一个普通的中产阶级家庭和他们在一个典型的美国小镇上的生活。它记录了希尔在德克萨斯小镇阿伦的日常生活,探讨了诸多现代主题,如亲子关系、友谊、忠诚和正义。然而,作为一部动画情景喜剧,《乡巴佬希尔一家的幸福生活》的视野比普通情景喜剧要更大。 You most likely had to have parental supervision to watch King of the Hill, but the show's depiction of small town life was so accurate and warm, it was worth sitting through the "adult" moments with mom and dad in the room. 你最好是在父母的陪同之下观看《乡巴佬希尔一家的幸福生活》。这部动画对于小镇生活的刻画十分准确,又温暖人心。哪怕是里面有一些所谓“少儿不宜”的内容,它也值得你和父母坐在家里一起看完。 03 法语 Il était une fois《曾几何时》 Il était une fois, also called Once Upon a Time, is a French educational animation franchise, created by Procidis. There are seven distinct series, each focusing on different aspects of knowledge. These are mostly historical, with Once Upon a Time… Man being focused on the overall history of mankind, and most of the others are more focused on specified historical fields, such as the lives and exploits of the explorers or inventors. Life, however, featured an explanation on the workings of the body. Ilétait une fois,又名《曾几何时》,是一部法国教育动画,由Procidis创建。该动画有七个不同的系列,每一个系列集中讲述人类知识的一个方面。这些知识大多是与历史有关的,比方说《曾几何时……人类》关注的就是整个人类的历史,而其他大多数系列关注的也是特定的历史切片,比如说探险家或发明家的丰功伟绩与生活。此外,另一个系列《曾几何时……生命》的关注点就是解释人体的运行机制。 04 日语 サザエさん(さざえさん)–Sazae-san《海螺小姐》 Sazae-san is more than a kids’ show. It’s a cultural institution, a national treasure and the longest-running animated series in the world, ever! 《海螺小姐》不仅仅是一部儿童动画。它已经成了一种文化,一种国家财富,同时也是世界上播放时间最长的动画连续剧。 It’s about a typical Japanese大家族(だいかぞく –big family) living together in Tokyo. The central character isサザエ, an outspoken but somewhat clumsy woman in her early 20s, living with her husband, son, father, mother, brother and sister all under one roof. 该动画讲述的是住在东京的一个大家族的故事。动画的主角是サザエ(Sazae),一位20岁出头,有点笨拙却又大大咧咧的女孩儿,她和自己的丈夫、儿子、父母、还有兄弟姐妹住在同一个屋檐下。 All of the characters are colorful and funny, and all are named after fish! (サザエis horned turban, a seafood delicacy.)サザエさんstarted off as a comic strip, but is now better-known as a cartoon. It is not unusual for families to plan their Sundays around its 6:30 p.m. time slot. 这部卡通的所有角色都很立体,也很有趣,而且所有角色的名字都和鱼类有关(サザエ就是“海螺”)。《海螺小姐》起初是连载漫画,后来才被制作成动画而广为人知。每个周日的下午六点半很多家庭都会围坐在一起看这部动画。 05 德语 Janoschs Traumstunde《雅诺思的梦幻时刻》 Janoschs Traumstunde is a German animated children's television series that originally ran from 1986 to 1990. It is based on the works of German artist and children's book author Janosch. 《雅诺思的梦幻时刻》最初是于1986-1990年在德国播出的少儿动画电视剧。该动画是从德国艺术家及童书作家雅诺思的作品衍生出来的。 It is a critically acclaimed and universally beloved cartoon series. Most of the episodes tell a number of self-contained stories, featuring popular characters from the author’s children’s books, such as “Tiger und Bär” and others. 该动画广受业内人士好评,同时也深受大众喜爱。大多数的剧集讲述的都是独立的故事,故事中会出现作者童书中人气很高的角色,比方说老虎和熊等。 06 德语 Käpt’n Blaubär《蓝熊船长》 Based on the comics by Walter Moers, this German cartoon series deals with the adventures of the eponymous Captain Blaubär, a blue bear spinning yarns about his journeys on the Seven Seas. Each episode is framed by a little story where the captain interacts with his grandchildren, and at its center there is an animated cartoon detailing the often hilarious tales of the old seaman. 这部动画片以沃尔特·莫尔斯的漫画为基础,讲述了蓝熊船长的冒险故事,他喜欢夸夸其谈地讲述自己在七大洋上旅行的事迹。该动画的每一集都有一个小故事作为框架,故事中的船长和他的孙子孙女们互动。故事的核心通常是蓝熊船长这位老海员的滑稽轶事。 07 西班牙语 El Oso Yogui《瑜伽熊》 Yogi Bear is an anthropomorphic funny animal who has appeared in numerous comic books, animated television shows and films. He was created by Hanna-Barbera. 瑜伽熊是一个搞笑的拟人化动物角色,它曾出现在许多漫画书、动画电视节目和电影中。该角色由汉娜·巴贝拉创作。 The plot of most of Yogi's cartoons centered on his antics in the fictional Jellystone Park, a variant of the real Yellowstone National Park. Yogi, accompanied by his constant companion Boo-Boo Bear, would often try to steal picnic baskets from campers in the park, much to the displeasure of Park Ranger Smith. Yogi's girlfriend, Cindy Bear, sometimes appeared and usually disapproved of Yogi's antics. 瑜珈熊动画的大部分情节都集中于他在 “酱石公园”里的滑稽行为之上,“酱石公园”对应的是真实世界里的黄石国家公园。瑜珈熊通常和他的同伴博博熊一起出现,他们经常试图从公园露营者那里偷野餐篮子,惹得公园管理员史密斯很不高兴。瑜珈熊的女朋友—辛迪熊,有时也出现在剧集里,通常很鄙夷瑜珈熊的滑稽行为。 看到这里,你种草了哪一门语言呢? 趁头发还有这么多,赶紧装作小朋友,学起来吧。 Notes sitcom /ˈsitˌkɒm/ n.情景喜剧 reinforce /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs/ v.加强;使更强烈 binge /bɪndʒ/ v.大吃大喝;狂欢作乐 depict /dɪˈpɪkt/ v.描绘;描画;描述 acclaim /əˈkleɪm/ n./v.赞扬;欢呼;欢迎 eponymous /ɪˈpɒnɪməs/ adj.(与标题)同名的 anthropomorphic /ˌænθrəpoʊˈmɔrfɪk/ adj.人格化的 antic /'æntɪk/ adj.滑稽的;古怪的 variant /ˈveriənt/ n.变体;变形 编辑:陈月华 来源:Fluentu; learnoutlive; Wikipedia BGM:Night, moon, wind, you–DeadForest 来源:中国日报双语新闻微信
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