> 自媒体 > 时尚 > 世界上最流行的10种语言
世界上最流行的10种语言 10 Most Popular Languages in the World 双语中文英语 In order for a human to sustain in this society, it is important to communicate one's thoughts, ideas, desires and opinions. The best way to do so is with the tool of language. There are hundreds of languages in the world. Each has its own speciality, background, tune and rhythm. Each has its own essence. But, have you ever wondered what the most popular languages in the world are? Let's find out: 为了让人类在这个社会中生存下去,交流思想、思想、欲望和观点是很重要的。最好的方法是使用语言工具。世界上有数百种语言。每一种都有自己的特点、背景、曲调和节奏。每个人都有自己的本质。但是,你有没有想过世界上最流行的语言是什么?让我们来看看: 1. Mandarin 普通话 Mandarin is spoken by almost a billion people, and is one of the 6 official languages of the United Nations. There are 1200 million varieties of this language. It is popularly spoken in northern and south-western China. The language has been derived from Sino-Tibetan family. But, just because this language is perched at the top of the list doesn't mean it is an easy language to learn or speak. It has several dialects, and each has a number of tones, as a result of which, all the Mandarin-speaking areas have different tone values. 中国有近10亿人口,是联合国的六种官方语言之一。这种语言有1200万种。它在中国的北部和西南部被广泛使用。这种语言来源于汉藏语系。但是,仅仅因为这门语言位于列表的顶端,并不意味着它是一种很容易学习或说话的语言。它有几种方言,每一种都有一些音调,因此,所有讲普通话的地方都有不同的音调。 2. English 英语 Believe it or not, English is not at the first position, but, it closely follows Mandarin to acquire the 2nd position. It is spoken by more than 430 million people around the world, and is another one of the six official languages of the UN. Derived from an Indo-European family of languages, this Germanic language is the global lingua franca. Unlike Mandarin, which is mainly spoken in a particular geographical region, English is the first language in many countries throughout the world across all the continents, and is spoken by almost a billion people as a second language.信不信由你,英语不是第一个位置,但是,它紧紧跟随汉语,获得第二位置。世界上有超过4.3亿人使用它,是联合国的六种官方语言之一。这种日耳曼语起源于印欧语系,是全球通用的通用语言。英语是世界上许多国家的第一语言,在世界上所有的大洲上都是第一语言,而且几乎有10亿人使用英语作为第二语言。 3. Spanish 西班牙语 Another one of the official languages of the UN, Spanish slipped from the 2nd position to the 3rd only recently. It is spoken by more than 410 million people and is a Romance language, born from an Indo-European family. Spanish is used as a native language in Latin America and Equatorial Guinea, apart from Spain. The language is so widely spoken that a lot of Spanish words are used in English language, as well. 另一种联合国的官方语言,西班牙语从第2位滑落到最近的第三位。它由超过4.1亿人使用,是一种罗曼语,起源于印欧语系。西班牙语是拉丁美洲和赤道几内亚的母语,除了西班牙语。这种语言被广泛使用,很多西班牙语也被用在英语中。 4. Hindi 北印度语 Hindi is one of the official languages of India. It is the Sanskritized register of the Hindustani langue, with Indo-Aryan and Indo-European roots. It is spoken by millions of local Indians, but, has close resemblance with Urdu that is the native language of Pakistan. A large number of dialects of Hindi are famous throughout India, with about 180 million Hindi-speaking people. But, the main prominence of the language is probably through the Bollywood movies which use Hindi as the lingua franca. 印地语是印度的官方语言之一。它是印度斯坦语,印度-雅利安语和印欧语系词根的sanskriregister。数以百万计的当地印第安人说这句话,但与乌尔都语有相似之处。乌尔都语是巴基斯坦的母语。印度有大量的印地语方言,大约有1.8亿讲印地语的人。但是,这门语言的主要特点可能是通过宝莱坞电影使用印地语作为通用语言。 5. Bengali 孟加拉语 Bengali, or Bangla, is the native language of Bangladesh, as well as West Bengal, southern Assam and Tripura, in India. The national anthems of Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka, as well as the national song of India, were all written in Bangla. This language has a long history of evolution from Indo-Aryan dialects like Prakrit and Pali, developed from Sanskrit. While the language still preserves the originality, it has also absorbed words from foreign languages. Some of the greatest literary works are written in Bengali, including the works of Rabindranath Tagore. About 210 million people speak it. 孟加拉语或孟加拉语是孟加拉国的母语,印度的西孟加拉邦、南阿萨姆邦和特里普拉邦也是如此。孟加拉、印度和斯里兰卡的国歌,以及印度的国歌,都写在孟加拉语里。这种语言有着悠久的历史,从印度-雅利安方言,如Prakrit和Pali,从梵语发展而来。虽然语言仍然保留着原创性,但它也吸收了外语的词汇。一些最伟大的文学作品都写在孟加拉语,包括泰戈尔的作品。大约有2.1亿人说这个。 6. Portuguese 葡萄牙语 This Romance language of Indo-European root is spoken by more than 220 million people, and is the official language in Brazil, Mozambique and several other places. The language is spoken in many countries throughout the world. 印欧语系的这种罗曼语被超过2.2亿人使用,是巴西、莫桑比克和其他几个地方的官方语言。世界上许多国家都使用这种语言。 7. Russian 印欧语 This Slavic language of Indo-European origin is one of the six official languages recognized by the UN. It is spoken by more than 150 million people, and is not only in practice in Russian Federation and other constituents of the USSR, but also in the Baltic countries and the United States, to name just a few. Many great works of literature and cinema have been created in this language. 印欧语系的斯拉夫语是联合国承认的六种官方语言之一。它是由超过1.5亿人使用的,不仅在俄罗斯联邦和苏联的其他组成部分,而且在波罗的海国家和美国,也有一些。许多伟大的文学作品和电影都是用这种语言创作的。 8. Urdu 乌尔都语 Considered one of the sweetest languages in the world, Urdu is a register of the Hindustani language, spoken by more than 100 million people, mainly in Pakistan and in 6 states of India. The language bears a close resemblance with Hindi, and is associated with the Muslims. Urdu is one of the languages belonging to the Indo-European and Indo-Aryan families. Urdu poetry and songs are celebrated throughout the world. 乌尔都语被认为是世界上最可爱的语言之一,它是印度斯坦语的一个登记册,有1亿多人口,主要分布在巴基斯坦和印度的6个邦。这种语言与印地语有相似之处,并且与穆斯林有联系。乌尔都语是印欧语系和印度雅利安语系的一种语言。乌尔都的诗歌和歌曲在世界各地广为传颂。 9. Indonesian 马来语 This Austronesian language, spoken in Malaysia and Indonesia, is a register of Malay and belongs to the Malayo-Polynesian family. It is spoken by over160 million people, and is the official language of Indonesia. 在马来西亚和印度尼西亚使用的南岛语是马来语的注册,属于马来-波利尼西亚家庭。它被超过1.6亿人使用,是印度尼西亚的官方语言。 10. Japanese 日语 At the 10th position stands the Japanese language. Approximately 125 million people speak this language, mainly in the East Asian country of Japan, as well as some other parts of the world where people either learnt the language and know how to speak it, or because Japanese immigrants live there. The language is a member of the Japonic family, and its history is debated. 第10位是日语。大约有1.25亿人说这种语言,主要是在东亚国家日本,以及世界上的一些地方,那里的人们要么学习语言,知道如何说,要么因为日本移民住在那里。语言是日本家庭的一员,它的历史是有争议的。 The languages are all evolving as they absorb new words, phrases and style from other languages, especially English. But, in the essence, each language has its own story to tell, in its own unique way. 语言在吸收其他语言的新词、短语和风格的同时也在不断发展,尤其是英语。但是,从本质上讲,每种语言都有自己的故事,以其独特的方式讲述。
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